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Mr. Driss El Yazami

Born in 1952 in Fez.

Mr. Driss El Yazami, graduate of the Paris-based Centre de formation et de perfectionnement des journalistes, is delegate general of “Génerique”, an association specialized in the history of foreigners and immigration in France, and editor-in-chief of the “Migrance” magazine.

Former Vice President of the French League for Human Rights (LDH) and former member of the Executive Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, Mr Driss El Yazami is now Secretary General of the International Federation for Human Rights Leagues, President of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders and member of the Board of Directors and of the Advisory Board of the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration in France.

Mr El Yazami was also a co-director of a movie entitled “France, terre de l’islam?” (OROLEIS, Paris, 1984) and commissioner-general of the following exhibitions:

- "France des étrangers, France des libertés" (France of foreigners, France of freedoms) (Marseille, Arche de la Défense, Orléans, Strasbourg/1989- 1992)

- “Au miroir de l’autre, immigration en France et en Allemagne ” (In the mirror of the other, immigration in France and Germany) (Frankfurt, May, 1993).

Mr El Yazami took part in the writing and coordination of several collective works:

- “For Human rights” (Bilingual French-English - Syros-Artis, Paris, 1989) ;

- “Les étrangers en France, guide des sources d’archives publiques et privées” (XIX-XX century) ;

- “Le Paris Arabe” (La Découverte - 2003).

He wrote also (with Rémy Schwartz) a report for the creation of a national centre for the history and cultures of immigration, submitted in November 2001 to Mr. Lionel Jospin. Moreover, he published several articles in the French press (Sans frontières, Baraka, Tumulte, le Point, Libération, Différences, Projet, Migrations société, la Revue des revues, Hommes et Migrations, vu de gauche, Homme et libertés, Etudes, Migrance).
