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President of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) Mr. Driss El Yazami chaired the meeting of the assembly general of the Network of African National Human Rights Institution (NANHRI) in Geneva (Palais des Nations), on May 17th, 2011.

peaking in this meeting, held on the sidelines of the 24th General Meeting of the International Coordinating Committee of national institutions for the promotion and protection of Human Rights (ICC), Mr. El Yazami stated that the Network of African NHRIs continued, last year, its efforts in the different fields, mainly to strengthen the capacity of member national institutions, through the organization of regional training workshops and sessions for the members and staff of these institutions. The Network analyzed and assessed the Ivory Coast, Mauritania and Nigeria’s national human rights institutions, he said, to help them improve their situations be in conformity with the Paris Principles. This effort is fruitful. Indeed, the founding law of the Nigeria’s national human rights commission was amended to broaden the mandate of the commission and strengthen its independence, Mr. El Yazami added.

The Network strengthened cooperation between its institutions and the regional human rights mechanisms. It organized a number of seminars and workshops where the parties concerned discussed how they can strengthen their cooperation in the field of human rights protection and promotion.

Yet, there are many challenges ahead. In this regard, NANHRI Chair highlighted the need to overcome the financial constraints that hinder the Permanent Secretariat of the Network from responding effectively to the needs of the Network’s members and from executing its programs. All member institutions are required to contribute to settle this issue and find new and different funding resources, Mr. El Yazami stressed.

He indicated that the Network is called to reinforce peace and democracy in the African continent. He stated that continent is leading an irrevocable political liberation process. It aims to encourage citizens’ participation and ensure primacy of human rights. National institutions, according to Mr. El Yazami, should participate to the reinforcement of the achievements made so far. He explained that “failure of transitional processes towards empowerment, participation and free choice threatens peace and security in the region”.

CNDH President underlined that the majority of African national human rights institutions are young institutions. Accordingly, he added, they have to gain the different actors’ trust and be vigilant to report and warn about any danger. He stated that “human rights promotion is the fruit of participation and involvement of all actors”. He highlighted the commitment of the Network of African NHRIs to keep pushing on to strengthen cooperation with the regional human rights mechanisms. Promoting human rights in Africa in not an easy way, but we can reach our objectives if we adopt a constructive partnership and cooperation approach, he concluded.

In addition to its annual report and its report on the implementation of its Secretariat’s plan of action, the Network of African NHRIs discussed, during its meeting, the financial situation of the Network, implementation of its strategic planning 2012-2014 and the planning of its 8th conference of national human rights institutions.

The Network presented the outline of its plan of action 2012 - 2014. This plan focuses of the following points:

- Strengthening professional and financial capacity of the Permanent Secretariat;

- Capacity building of national institutions;

- Reinforcing knowledge of national institutions about human rights issues of concern in the continent, such as: private companies and human rights, prevention of torture, children’s rights, women’s rights, rights of persons with disabilities, etc. A working group on private companies and human rights will see the light soon;

- Promotion of cooperation between national human rights institutions and regional human rights mechanisms;

- Building an effective communication strategy.

Several recommendations were made by the representatives of the African national human rights institutions: encouraging the creation of national human rights institutions, promotion of experience and data sharing, especially if related to the activities of the Network, finding possible solutions to urge member institutions to pay their contributions, finding alternative funding resources, strengthening cooperation with the African Union and the African Development Bank, etc.
