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Around 2 billion dirhams to compensate 27,254 victims of gross human rights (...)

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Training session on the use of international human rights procedures for the (...)

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Training session for law enforcement officers on the mandate of Moroccan NPM

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The Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) has long made occasional communication following certain facts or events. This CCDH newsletter, alongside other tools, is a response to our concern for a wider communication that can contribute to social debate.

We decided to release a monthly newsletter, alongside the CCDH website and other publications, in order to inform different actors of the CCDH various projects and their progress on the ground, and to participate in national and international debate on human rights and their evolution.

Communication on human rights is not only expressing stances, but also and especially establishing the terms of debate around a project of society and acquiring the means necessary for furthering values that support it. It is to set up, in collaboration with all actors, each in his role, the foundations of our society to advance human rights and democracy. It is to open together a project of building where all actors are called upon to discuss and interact: government, civil society, political parties, intellectuals, artists and media…

We have chosen for our first issue to focus on two major and structuring projects in our work: the Citizen Platform for the Promotion of Human Rights Culture and the National Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy. These projects are major in terms of scope and range of actors they mobilize. They are structuring because their implementation will be the culmination of all activities undertaken by Morocco in this regard. The Platform and Plan are forward-looking and complementary. They are intended ultimately to serve one project. The file is accompanied by other articles covering various activities of the Council.

We hope through this newsletter to help improve communication within the CCDH on the one hand, and between the CCDH and the various partners on the other.

Ahmed Herzenni, CCDH President
