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Training session for law enforcement officers on the mandate of Moroccan NPM

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Errachidia: training workshop on the development of gender-sensitive projects

In partnership with the Réseau des Associations de Développement des Oasis du Sud - East (RADOS) and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) organized a training workshop on developing gender-sensitive projects, from May 15-17, 2009 in Errachidia.

The workshop, which was organized under the project of promoting women’s human rights and their role in the process of transitional justice in Morocco (CCDH-UNIFEM), aimed to enhance the capacities of participants as regards the conception, writing, development, framing, budgeting and monitoring of projects.

In addition to key elements of sustainable development, this training program includes four modules, particularly the definition and formulation of objectives, outcomes, indicators and activities; identification of hazards and risks; development of log frame, planning of resources and time framework; budgeting, funding, monitoring and assessment of projects.

An information and awareness meeting around the PANDDH

The Center for Documentation, Information and Training in Human Rights (CDIFDH) held on Friday 29 May 2009, an information meeting on the National Action Plan on Democracy and Human Rights (PANDDH).

The objective of this meeting is to allow the media to know the PANDDH process and its size, as well as the needs of media players regarding information on PANDDH. The CDIFDH will organize within the same framework training workshops for the media in different regions of Morocco.

It is worth mentioning that the PANDDH is the first of its kind in the region of North Africa and the Middle East, and is the first national action plan incorporating both the democratic dimension and the human rights one. It responds to the need to have a coherent framework to identify and coordinate all activities aiming at dissemination, promotion, protection and enhancement of human rights in Morocco.

Guelmim: An event to raise awareness on children’s rights

On the occasion of the National Child Day and in cooperation with the delegation of the Ministry of National Education and the Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH), the Association of Solidarity with Children with Special Needs held an event to raise awareness on the rights of the child on 26 May 2009. Two workshops on the rights and duties of the child were organized.

Community reparation: information meetings on the development of projects under the second call for applications

In cooperation with the CDG, a financial group, the Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) organized, during May, information meetings in the eleven regions covered by the community reparation program. Presentations on the philosophy of the program, its objectives, its structures and its partners were made for local associations.
