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News in Brief

CCDH President in USA to Highlight Progress in Human Rights in Morocco

The President of the Advisory Council on Human Rights, Mr. Ahmed Herzenni, paid a visit to Washington, United States of America, on March 16-19, 2009, in order to highlight the recent achievements and progress made by Morocco in human rights. Mr. Herzenni held several meetings with several US experts as well as seminars on the situation of human rights in Morocco.

Also, he participated in a discussion at the American Bar Association on the role of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission in the efforts of reform in Morocco, and at the Berkley Center, George Town University, on reconciliation and justice in Morocco.

- Seminar on Archive

The Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) organized a seminar on the archive under the theme of “for a national modern archive”, on April 16, 2009.

This seminar, which was part of the capitalization of the efforts made by different stakeholders in the field of archives in Morocco, was attended by public, semi-public and private institutions, the media, political parties, unions, non-governmental organizations, archivists, and direct users of the archive: researchers, journalists, historians and human rights activists.

- CCDH Prsident holds Talks with German Officials

The President of the Advisory Council on Human Rights, Mr. Ahmed Herzenni, paid a visit to Berlin, Germany, on March 26-27, 2009. He held talks with several German officials from the parliament and federal government. Mr. Herzenni stressed the progress made by Morocco to uphold democracy and promote human rights.

Thus, Mr. Herzenni met with the Chairwoman of the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, Ms. Herta Däubler-Gmelin, and Minister of State Günter Gloser. Also, he held two meetings with the members of Friends of Morocco Association in the German parliament, and with Günter Nooke, the Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid.

- National Meeting on PANDDH

The Steering Committee on the Plan of Action on Democracy and Human Rights (PANDDH) in Morocco held a national meeting on April 3-4, 2009, in Rabat, to present the conclusions of the regional advisory meetings and address the themes of priority in the PANDDH.

- Cross-cultural abattoirs: a Stand for the Community Reparation Program

The CCDH local coordination body in Hay Mohammadi, Casablanca, took part in the event on “cross-cultural abattoirs”, organized in Casablanca on April 11-12, 2009, through a stand devoted to raise awareness about the program, its goals and phases of its implementation.

It is worth mentioning that the community reparation program is part of the implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) in the regions of Ouarzazate, Errachidia, Zagoura, Figuig, Nador, al Hoceima, Casablanca (Hay Mohammadi), kemisset, Khenifra and Tan Tan. The program is about six areas: capacity building, income-generating activities, positive preservation of the memory, empowerment of women, improvement of social services and the protection of the environment.
