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Mr. Ahmed Taoufiq

Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs

Mr. Toufiq Ahmed was born on June 22nd, 1943 in Marigha (Haut Atlas).

He followed his primary and secondary studies in Marrakech and obtained, in 1968, a BA in literature (history option) from the Rabat Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Mr. Toufiq is also holder of a certificate of archaeology and a 3rd cycle diploma from the Rabat Faculty of Arts.
Mr. Ahmed Toufiq was an Assistant Dean of the Rabat Faculty of Arts (1976 to 1978), where he is a professor of history. Afterwards, he was appointed Director of the Institut des Etudes Africaines (African Studies Institute) (1989-95), then director of the Bibliothèque ‎Générale (general library) (since 1995).

He published many studies on the history of Morocco including his doctoral thesis on “La ‎société marocaine au XIX siècle -Inoultane 1850-1912”, "Islam et ‎développement", “les juifs de Demnat” and “le Maroc et l’Afrique Occidentale à ‎travers les âges”.

He undertook also several scientific activities and collaborated in the drafting of the encyclopaedia of Morocco (alphabetical knowledge dictionary concerning the past and the present of Morocco). Mr. Toufiq was member of the Editing Board of “la revue de la Faculté des lettres de Rabat” and “Le livre marocain”, bibliographic directory, published by the Association ‎des auteurs marocains pour la publication (association of Morrocan writers for publication).

Mr. Ahmed Toufiq is also a novelist. He published “جارات أبي موسى” (Female neigbors of Abu Mussa) (1997), then “السيل” (Torrent 1998) and “شجرة حناء والقمر ” (َ A tree of henna and the moon).

Mr. Toufiq is married and father of four children.
