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7th ANHRI Conference

In collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI),the Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) organized the 7th Conference of African National Human Rights Institutions, on November 3-5, 2009 in Rabat.

The conference was held under the theme “Peace and Justice: Role of NHRI”. It aims to provide a space for exchanging experiences and expertise to identify good practices to involve NHRIs in improving the administration of justice, functioning of police and prison system, and in restoring peace, particularly in post-conflict situations.

Participants from 37 African countries and some U.S. and European countries will examine the role of NHRIs in the fight against impunity, identify the modes of their close cooperation with the judiciary and government agencies, address their role in the compensation and rehabilitation of victims of violations of human rights after conflicts, establish links with people affected by conflict, including victims of human rights violations and consider their contribution to capacity building as regards the administration of justice and reform.

At the end of the conference made the following recommendations:

1- The need to exchange experience and expertise among NHRIs on transitional justice, the consolidation of justice, the conservation and preservation of documentation and archives that could help justice at one stage or another.

2- With respect to human rights education and training, and the “construction of peace in the mind of people”, a similar approach could be followed, with an endeavour aimed at translating teacher’s guides, curricula, textbooks, etc., in at least three languages (English, French and Arabic); in addition, each country could make all necessary adaptations, including its own vernacular languages.

3- At the national level, NHRIs, in cooperation with NGOs and taking account of their specific mandates, should take a proactive approach aimed at facilitating the transition from conflicts to peace, the strengthening of justice and the rule of law in order to ensure a durable peace and reconciliation.
