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Around 2 billion dirhams to compensate 27,254 victims of gross human rights (...)

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Training session on the use of international human rights procedures for the (...)

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Training session for law enforcement officers on the mandate of Moroccan NPM

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You have certainly noticed it. The CCDH Newsletter 10 covers September, October and November 2009. This delay is explained by different tasks entrusted to the editorial board during this period, including the organization of Mediterranean Meetings on Cinema and Human Rights, whose first edition was held with great success on November 12-14, 2009. We promise you that we will avoid such overlap in the future. This issue contains a special report on justice reform and the effort led by the CCDH to contribute to this reform process. It includes an outline of the memorandum sent by the CCDH to His Majesty King Mohammed VI on the reform of justice and the CCDH study on the harmonization of the draft penal code with international human rights standards. This issue also addresses various activities undertaken by the CCDH during this period, including the visit by CCDH President to Colombia and Peru, and the visit by a delegation of the steering committee of the Plan of National Action on Democracy and Human Rights in Spain. We hope that you will enjoy reading and we seize this opportunity to wish you a happy new year 2010.
