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Around 2 billion dirhams to compensate 27,254 victims of gross human rights (...)

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Training session on the use of international human rights procedures for the (...)

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Training session for law enforcement officers on the mandate of Moroccan NPM

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Press releases

CNDH report on Gdeim Izik trail observation

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will hold a press conference to present its report on Gdeim Izik trial observation on 2 November 2017 at 9h30 at its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.The CNDH had entrusted team of seven senior officers to monitor the different stages of this trail where 23...

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Study day on the implementation of CNDH report recommendations on “Crisis in Prisons, A Shared Responsibility”

 As a part of the commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the report of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) on the situation of prisons in Morocco entitled “Crisis in prisons: a shared responsibility: 100 recommendations for protecting the rights of prisoners”, the CNDH...

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Oujda-Figuig: Regional consultative meeting with children

The Regional Human Rights Commission in Oujda- Figuig (CRDH) will organize a regional consultation with children in the East region of Morocco on Saturday 28 October 2017 at the headquarters of the CRDH in Oujda. This meeting is part of a partnership agreement between the National Human Rights...

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CNDH meets with the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) received, on 24 October 2017 at its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco, the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (SPT).During its meeting with the SPT, the CNDH delegation, chaired by Mr. Driss...

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Commemoration of the African Human Rights Day: Series of regional consultation meetings with young people organized by the CNDH

As a part of the commemoration of the African Human Rights Day, celebrated on 21 October each year, the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) called on all African NHRIs to celebrate this year’s day under the theme: “Reinforcing the contribution of young...

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Child protection: Training session on the principle of participation

The National Human Rights Training Institute (INFDH) – Driss Benzekri will host the second training session on the principle of participation on 20 October 2017 for social assistants working in the Child Protection Units and the regional delegates of the Entreaide National “National...

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Study day on the law to fight violence against women: Crossed viewpoints Morocco- Tunisia

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and UN Women, in partnership with the Coalition Printemps de la Dignité “Spring of Dignity Coalition”, are organizing a study day on “Laws to fight violence against women: Morocco-Tunisia crossed viewpoints” on 19 October...

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CRDH participates in the seventh edition of the Regional Book Fair in Tangier

The Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in Tangier will participate in the seventh edition of the Regional Book Fair on “Reading and the challenges of development” which will be held from 13 to 18 October 2017 in Tangier, Morocco.The CRDH will exhibit different publications of the...

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Study day on Combating Violence against Women in Laayoune –Smara, Morocco

The Regional Human Rights Commission of Laayoune-Smara (CRDH) organizes a study day on “Combating violence against women: implementation of the national and international commitments related to human rights and territorial coordination mechanisms”. This event will take place on Friday...

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Saadia Belmir is re-elected member of UN Committee Against Torture

Moroccan magistrate, member of the National Human Rights Council and former member of the Advisory Council on Human Rights, Saadia Belmir is re-elected as a member of the UN Committee Against Torture. The vote was held on Thursday in Geneva at the 16th meeting of State Parties to the...

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