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The real obligation that we have towards our children is to let them know our history. We can not talk about solid transition to democracy without having ensured a reconciliation of young people with their history, and without having built bridges of communication and dialogue between those who have made history and those who tell and will tell historical narratives.

During its mandate, the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) raised the issue of historical context of human rights violations. It drew attention to the problem and refused to substitute for historians and researchers. As part of its investigations, it could constitute archival materials that will be made available to professionals of historical narratives and enable them to better accomplish their mission.

The IER also raised the issue of archive management at the national level. Two years after the submission of the IER Final Report and as part of following up its recommendations, a law on archives has been enacted, an institute of history has been established and a public debate has been opened.

We believe that there are still two missing links that will make the work of stakeholders easier. In addition to the implementing decrees of the Archives Act, there should be a law on access to information and a law on personal data of which a project is being examined by the House of Representatives.

Also, awareness of issues relating to our history should be raised. The goal is to build a historical consciousness in its both meaning: to make history and belong to history (Paul Ricoeur). This is the task on which should cooperate historians, researchers and all media outlets.

Ahmed Herzenni, CCDH President
